We thank the hosting institutions for mirroring the GMT FTP and data server so that users can have a faster download wherever they are located.
The GMT FTP site hosts tarballs of GMT releases and its support data. Here is a list of the known active mirrors of the GMT FTP site. Try the site that is closest to you to minimize transmission times.
Site |
Address |
SOEST, U. of Hawaii, USA |
EarthByte Group, Sydney U, Australia |
Lab for Satellite Altimetry, NOAA, USA |
IRIS, Washington, USA |
IAG-USP, U. of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
TENET, Tertiary Education & Research Networks, South Africa |
Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China, Hefei, China |
Tokai U, Shizuoka, Japan |
The GMT data server stores frequently used data sets (e.g., Earth Relief Data). Here is a list of the known active mirrors of the GMT remote data server. Change the GMT setting GMT_DATA_SERVER to the mirror that is closest to you to minimize transmission times. (Please report to us if any mirrors are offline.)
Name |
Address |
Host |
Status |
Oceania [Master] |
SOEST, U of Hawaii, USA |
Brasil |
IAG-USP, U of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Australia |
EarthByte Group, Sydney U, Australia |
China |
U of Sci. & Tech. of China, China |
OpenTopography/SDSC [US West Coast] |
OpenTopography at San Diego Supercomputing Center |
NOAA [US East Coast] |
Lab for Satellite Altimetry, NOAA, USA |
Portugal |
U of Algarve, Portugal |
Singapore |
National U of Singapore, Singapore |
South Africa |
TENET, Tertiary Education & Research Networks, South Africa |
You can help out the GMT community by running a mirror of the GMT FTP site (~25 GB) and/or the GMT data server (~120 GB).
To mirror the GMT FTP site, you can use lftp:
lftp -e "mirror --delete --parallel=8 gmt gmt; bye" ftp.soest.hawaii.edu
To mirror the GMT data server, you can use the rsync command:
rsync -av --delete rsync://oceania.generic-mapping-tools.org/gmtdata /your/local/gmtdata
You must run the above commands periodically (e.g., daily) to keep files in the mirrors up to date. This can be done via cron jobs.
We are glad to offer help if you encounter problems when setting up the mirror. Once you have gotten the mirror running, please let us know so that we can add your mirror to the list. Note: We reserve the right to decide which mirrors will receive a forward from the generic-mapping-tools domain.