
The GMT team and other volunteers teach user and developer workshops in various places. Here is a list of past and future workshops.

Attending a workshop is the best way to get started using and developing GMT!

Upcoming Workshops

2022-05-24 | Crafting beautiful maps with PyGMT at EGU General Assembly 2022

This short course is geared towards geoscientists interested in creating beautiful maps using Python. Only basic Python knowledge is needed, and a background in cartography is not required to use PyGMT effectively! The 1.5 hour long short course will be based on content adapted from and Each of the 30 minute sessions will involve a quick (~10 minute) walkthrough by the speaker, followed by a more hands-on session in breakout rooms where tutorial participants work on the topic (using interactive Jupyter notebooks) in a guided environment with one of four instructors on hand to answer questions.

We expressly welcome students and geoscientists working on any geo related fields (e.g. Earth Observation, Geophysical, Marine, Magnetic, Gravity, Planetary, etc) to join. Come and find out what PyGMT can do to level up your geoprocessing workflow!

Past Workshops

2021-08-17 | Earth Science Women’s Network/GMT Workshop: Developing Free and Open Source Software with PyGMT

We are excited to announce an upcoming workshop hosted by the Earth Science Women’s Network and the Generic Mapping Tools team on developing free, open source software! This workshop will include lessons about developing open source software and hands-on activities. During the hands-on activities, participants will contribute to open source software and work on issues in the PyGMT repository. More information is posted on the ESWN Announcement.

We expressly invite people who face under-representation, systemic bias, or discrimination in the Earth sciences and/or technology industry where they live to apply. People of all career stages are welcome to apply.

2021-07-20 | GMT for Geodesy UNAVCO

This course will cover the use of Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) in geodesy using UNIX shell scripting. Lectures and exercises will be given to teach the basic conventions of using GMT, such as plotting grids, images, and vector data (points, lines, polygons), and making animations. Labs will include both processing and mapping of various data sets relevant to geodesy.

2020-07-20 | GMT for Geodesy UNAVCO

This course will cover the use of Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) in geodesy using UNIX shell scripting. Lectures and exercises will be given to teach the basic conventions of using GMT, such as plotting grids, images, and vector data (points, lines, polygons), and making animations.

2020-06-21 | Making Maps and Movies [CANCELLED]

The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) is widely used in the geosciences to make graphs, maps and animations. This one-day workshop introduces participants to GMT 6 modern mode and how data manipulation and plotting of points, lines, polygons, text, and grids are accomplished via GMT scripting. We will run GMT scripts from the command line in a bash terminal under Linux, macOS, or Windows; familiarity with a UNIX shell will be helpful but not required. We will also introduce participants to the making of basic animations using GMT. No prior experience with GMT is required. Attendees must bring laptops with pre-installed software to the workshop – instructions will be provided before the conference.

2019-12-08 | GMT Developer Workshop at AGU2019

  • Title: Become a Generic Mapping Tools Contributor Even If You Can’t Code

  • Instructors: Paul Wessel, Joaquim Luis, Leonardo Uieda, Dongdong Tian, Xiaohua Xu

  • When: Sunday, 08 December 2019 08:00 am -12:20 pm (PST)

  • Where: AGU 2019 Fall Meeting | Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, USA

  • Website:

We will teach you how to join the GMT developer community and make contributions to the project EVEN IF YOU CAN’T CODE. This workshop will provide hands-on experience: we will guide you through setting up your computer, building GMT, writing documentation, and using git and GitHub to work on GMT development in a friendly and collaborative environment.

2019-11-12 | PyGMT Workshop at FOSS4G Oceania 2019

This hands-on workshop covers the use of PyGMT to analyze geospatial data and produce publication quality figures and animations in an interactive Jupyter lab environment. There will also be a free Community Day code sprint on 2019-11-15 where everyone is invited to join and contribute into making PyGMT even better!

2019-07-22 | GMT for Geodesy at Scripps

  • Title: The Generic Mapping Tools for Geodesy

  • Instructors: Paul Wessel, Joaquim Luis, Leonardo Uieda, Dongdong Tian, Xiaohua Xu

  • When: July 22-23 (Monday-Tuesday), 2019. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Where: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, USA

  • Repository:

This 2-day course will cover the use of Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) in geodesy using UNIX shell scripting. Lectures and exercises will be given to teach the basic conventions of using GMT, such as plotting grids, images, and vector data (points, lines, polygons).